RSS is a content delivery portal that allows you to receive content from
various web sites and publishers, including
Why use it?
1. It's 100% opt-in, meaning you only receive the content you want and
you can easily remove any feed when you don't want it anymore.
2. It requires no e-mail address and is not delivered to your e-mail
3. You get content exactly at the time it's added to the content feed.
4. Content actually gets through and cannot be blocked by various
filters, since this is a completely different system.
5. No viruses, no trojans, no dangerous content.
"RSS is an acronym for Rich Site Summary, an XML format for distributing
news headlines on the Web, also known as syndication."
Simply put, RSS allows internet publishers to deliver and distribute their
content summaries and links in such a manner that they can be read on special
easy-to-use software, news aggregators, or implemented on other web sites
to deliver links to their latest content in the most accessible format today,
How it works?
1. You first need an RSS reader, which is special software you can
mostly get for free. A list of readers is available here.
2. You can now start adding new content feeds to your reader. Whenever
you see an image saying RSS Content Feed (or RSS, XML, etc.) you can add the
content feed in to your reader.
Click on the link and then open your RSS reader and add a new channel. (for
more instructions please see the instructions for the software you chose).
3. RSS feeds are actually just XML files that your reader will
regulary check to see if they've been updated from the last time you read them.
It will then display the new links and content summaries (in some cases even
full-text versions) and allow you to click through to read complete articles in
its browser.
A list of RSS readers: click here
Additional explanation of RSS: click here